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About Us


We understand that each client and candidate is different not only in the kind of work they adopt but also in terms of organizational culture. We at REDEFINING CAREER make sure that your talent search for a particular position is catered to with utmost dedication, perfection and satisfaction, whether the position is on a temporary or permanent hiring. You can bank on us. REDEFINING CAREER is an eminent talent service provider founded by a team of like minded professionals whose vision is perfect professional match making, since we believe that people, productivity and profits must go in synchronization.


In today's world of robust economies, rapidly changing technologies and breakthrough in various fields with wider platforms, it is a challenge to find a right person and even more challenging to retain them. It is our vision at Redefining Careers Inc to help your organization scale the heights of success with the right team working with you at every step. Redefining Career also helps individuals to find the right job. With specializations and core competencies being the trend in the industry, at Redefining Career you will find assistance to get to the ideal job in the shortest possible time. At Redefining Career placements are not just putting a man on the job. Every placement is a challenge. The entire process of selection, screening and recruiting is meticulous and streamlined. Our team of HR professionals take time to understand the candidate psychology and also the clients work ambience before inducting the candidate. If you thought that to achieve the best involves a lot of time, effort and money, you will be surprised. At Redefining Career, we have made it our business to deliver the highest quality of service at the shortest possible time and at affordable costs. Since our inception in 2009, we are supported by a wide network of dedicated clientele and a diverse range of staffing solutions, which is the foundation of our customer-centric solutions.


YOUR SEARCH FOR THE RIGHT EMPLOYEE ENDS HERE ! REDEFINING CAREER is an executive talent search liasoning house which has a rich recruitment expertise in all major fields and we strive to bring you the right candidates for the right job.

The rapid economic growth of the country in the last few years has resulted in many positives, the highly increased number of jobs being one of them. Today, the biggest constraint in a company’s growth is not lack of opportunities, nor is it capital, and nor is it a lack of planning. The biggest constraint today, by far, is the availability of quality manpower to execute the growth plans of the company. The irony is that higher education, which should have helped remove unemployment, has actually become its constant companion.

The sad reality is that our education system has not been able to keep pace with the industry’s requirements. It provides a graduate with a degree, but not skills which make him/her employable.

Redefining Career is a soft skill training school which helps students and executives to equip themselves to get the dream job and shape up their career.